Mood: Easy like Sunday morning
Weather: Breezy, Sunny, Warmish
Outfit Purpose: Sunday Funday
Style Savvy: There’s a little history behind this floral chiffon and velvet wrap I’m wearing. If you were a fan of Sex and the City and a fashionista then you’ll recall a similar wrap that Carrie wore in Season 6. It’s the opening episode where she’s at an art exhibition with Charlotte and notices Aleksandr Petrovsky (played by Mikhail Baryshnikov) staring at her from across the room. When I saw Carrie’s wrap, I was on a mad hunt to find something as close as possible. I paired my wrap with a silk cami underneath, American Eagle white denim shorts, ShoeMint heels and a mix of gold, silver, brass and leather jewelry. Oh and that tiny little purse you see is an actual iPhone case by Pursecase™ that has a little slot for carrying your ID, cash/credit cards. These cases come in various colors so check it out on
Personal Style: Haute Hippie
What’s Going On With Me: This weekend has been a family affair. Spending quality time with my mom, sister, nephew and brother-in-law. Today the gals (mom, sis, myself) went to peruse Saks Off 5th (Saks outlet store) in Mission Valley. There was an item I wanted to show my mom for a possible birthday gift since my bday is coming up next month. I prefer to give her ideas so she doesn’t get me something I have to return.
The store trip turned out to be a surprise work connection for my styling when I ended up speaking with one of the store managers. In yesterdays blog post (read here) I wrote about how I’m starting to feel like my old self again, and today proved it even more. I’m actually looking forward to tomorrow, Monday, because I have some conference calls and appointments that all revolve around opportunities for my styling and online brand influence work that I do. I use to dread Mondays but now I can’t wait for Monday to come around!
Thoughts: My daily meditation reading used this partial quote by Barbara Gizzuti Harrison “. . . to have a crisis and act upon it is one thing. To dwell in perpetual crisis is another.” It goes on to read that we can decide at any moment to let go of a negative situation we can’t control and be free to look ahead at the possibilities for happiness. Maybe we can learn to accept a serious situation in our lives as a special opportunity for growth and that each crisis is an invitation to serenity.
Two days ago I had a situation occur that wasn’t so pleasant and uncomfortable. I had a part in it but there were other circumstances (people) that I had no control over. It took listening to the other person, making amends and letting it go to learn yet another lesson in life but also to find peace afterwards.
VIEW more looks with these HEELS by SHOEMINT here, here & here.
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