Mood: Content
Weather: Overcast & Chilly
Outfit Purpose: Stylist at Work
Style Savvy: Hmmm…trying to describe this ensemble I had on earlier today and all that comes to mind is a “style mashup” of tribal, glam and classic. This outfit might not make sense for the “everyday woman” but it makes sense for someone in the fashion biz. You know why? Because it doesn’t make sense. LOL! I’m kidding! It works on me, it’s funky and stylish so there. The savvy style tip from this outfit pairing is that a classic black pencil skirt is a key staple in your wardrobe. So get one if you don’t have one.
Personal Style: Style Mashup
What’s Going On: OMG! I’m so sleepy but had a lot of social networking to do and emails when I came home tonight from my style presentation with Elite Networking at California Closets in Miramar tonight. What a lovely and amazing group of entrepreneurial business women. I love hearing everyone’s stories but felt like I was sharing mine so much. The ladies feedback made all that I’ve been doing worth it. Everyone shared how inspiring I am and I really hope that I am! There are days where I just feel like crap and for those who read this blog regularly, you know how I’ve expressed times when my self-esteem is so low and why continue this challenge…blah, blah, blah. I finally see the pay-off as I come nearer to the end of this challenge (3 months, 1 week to go).
Oh yeah, remember I’m on a reality show called The Romance? Well, it’s not on air yet, still filming and editing the episodes but here’s a SNEAK PEEK video. Watch until the 1:35 minute marker because I have a good scene. VIEW VIDEO CLICK HERE.
READ why I started this crazy challenge by CLICKING HERE.