Mood: Lively
Weather: ANOTHER Sunny gorgeous day, little crisp and cool
Outfit Purpose: Out & About
Style Savvy: When I’m in a lively upbeat mood, my outfits tend to get very colorful. Still staying within a few Fall colors and prints, I paired my SINGLE top and bomber jacket with my Paige denim skinnies and fave studded Zara ankle boots. And a little vintage armswag for accent since my outfit has a lot going on.
Personal Style: Chic Street Style
Related Post: Shop My Closet Day 109
Thoughts: When the sun consistently shines for consecutive days, it’s hard not to snap into a good mood. Yesterday I was mellow and feeling a tinge lonely but I’m over it. Sitting in the feelings and letting it pass speeds up the process, at least for me. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so I’ll start tonight with a little gratitude and then continue tomorrow.
1. My support system in my life (family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances).
2. Being willing to be open and set aside my ego so that I can learn from experiences and people who come in and out of my life.
3. Learning more of what I “don’t” want in my life and what I “do” want in my life.
4. Having the courage to start this challenge and write about it daily for a whole freakin’ year!
5. Embracing when I’m feeling hurt and then letting go of it.
More thanks and gratitude tomorrow! Oh and Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish peeps, you know who you are and I love you!
READ WHY I started this challenge by CLICKING HERE.