Mood: Overwhelmed
Weather: Another Sunny day
Outfit Purpose: Out & About
Style Savvy: If I could wear one outfit pairing every week, it would be this navy silk top by Prêt à Porter designs and SINGLE printed skirt. I’m a sucker for navy blue. I almost love navy blue more than black but I actually like navy and black worn together as well (super chic). When I feel overwhelmed, I’ll wear an outfit that is safe and familiar, like today. With accessories, neutral made sense hence the nude Shoemint heels and vintage Gucci clutch along with yellow gold jewelry (my usual stand by).
Personal Style: Flirty Feminine
Thoughts: I’m feeling overwhelmed today. It started hitting me last night but sunk in more as today wore on. It’s December already! Holy shitballs batman! That means January is coming up and then AHHH!!! That’s why I’m overwhelmed. I’m looking at my schedule from now until the end of January and it’s nutty. I’m not complaining. This is what I call a luxury problem. But honestly, I feel out of body and like I’m living on another planet. Is this really my life? Uh, yes… everything is new, new, new. People, places and things. I feel like I’m 22 starting my life over again. I need to center myself and remember why I’m doing what I’m doing. I was reminded of this while talking to a close friend who stays up late like me and that I can call at 11PM when I’m having a melt down.
Like I’ve mentioned in previous days during this challenge, it’s the daily blogging that gets to me. And now I realize why, thanks to my friend asking me questions to think it through. I just don’t want to face myself and my emotions. I want to check out of life some days but blogging daily and opening up makes me see it all in type and sometimes it’s not fun or glamorous. Although hard, it’s all okay because my whole purpose is to inspire others to keep moving forward in life no matter what. Thanks for continuing to read my blog!
READ what inspired me to do this challenge by CLICKING HERE.